Cynthia Carta Advertising Communication: Comunicato Stampa
  • 23 giu Cynthia Carta Advertising Communication
    11:29 - 23 giu 2016

    DATACORE Se vi piacesse approfondire ...

    Ricevo da George Teixeira questa proposta, nata da precise richieste da parte della stampa do settore (non tanto italiana ma, europea
    Se foste interessati ad un approfondimento e voleste inviarmi qualche domanda mirata, provveder? ad inoltrarle e a farvi avere risposte "illuminanti"
    Grazie per l'attenzione

    I have found that a number of journalist have some questions they want to ask but don’t know much about parallel processing and what does the ‘worlds fastest storage’
    mean so I offered if they want to send me 3-5 questions we can provide written responses and give them info for articles, interviews or blogging material....

    I wanted to ask all of you if you can find one in each region and they ask their questions, we can provide the responses and I can work with Ziya who is a good writer and this is an excellent format to capture his thoughts

    Cynthia Carta ADV.
    Advertising Communication
    Via Don A. Bietti, 12
    24040 FORNOVO S.Giovanni (BG) Italy

    Mobile +393385909592
    Skype cynthiacarta

    Attivit? assoggettata alla disciplina di cui alla L. 14/01/2013 n. 4 - 2024
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