
SIRIO has been active for many yars in the lighting field of metal working ( iron, brass, steel) and it's specialized both in the production and also in the work on behalf of a third party

Currently our company works both in the national and international market with the most important suppliers in the lighting field, developping design, Hotels projects, bath components and articles connected to the house in general.

Our production is very flexible, we go from a mass production to limited quantities for artisan request.

We can manufacture each article in all material above mentioned by reproducing the exact sample or design proposed by the customer, even with the most difficult and detailed handworks we guarantee high quality products.

We can supply raw, chromium plating, polished or vernished articles. Our production is realized for the greater part on specific reqest of our costumers, for this reason it's not available a general catalogue with all the items we can manufacture and a price list since prices change according to the realization of the product and to the quality requested