Thunder Kart di Brocca Michele e Raimondo Antonio Marco & C. S.n.c

Via Verona 5
15033 - Casale Monferrato (Alessandria)
Settore: Trasporti

L'attivita' di noleggio su circuito coperto e scoperto di go kart, minikart, mini moto, autovetture, prototipi di fuoristrada in genere e di veicoli radiocomandati alimentati sia a motore a scoppio che elettrico; e' altresi' previsto il noleggio del solo ...continua

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Logo piccolo dell'attività Thunder Kart di Brocca Michele e Raimondo Antonio Marco & C. S.n.c

Thunder Kart di Brocca Michele e Raimondo Antonio Marco & C. S.n.c a Casale Monferrato (Alessandria)

Via Verona 5
Casale Monferrato (AL)
15033 Italia
P.IVA 01960430062
L'azienda non ha fornito un sito web

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Thunder Kart di Brocca Michele e Raimondo Antonio Marco & C. S.n.c - Prodotti e Servizi
The attivita' of noleggio on of circuit covered and discovered of go kart, minikart, mini motorbike, tourisms, prototypes of fuoristrada in gender and of vehicles radiocomandati fed was to engine to scoppio than electrical; and' altresi' foreseen the noleggio of the alone circuit covered and discovered to chiunque do required. - The organisation of gare and tournaments; - The attivita' of sale of equipments and accesorios in the up specified sectors, are to the ingrosso that to the detail, comprensiva also of electronic instrumentation, in the fattispecie: computers, printers, monitor, systems audio/videos and relative accesorios; - The creation and the sale, are to the detail that to the ingrosso of software for the development of tracciati of gara and for the management of the attivita' of noleggio, nonche' of swept antiurto for the building of tracciati of gara for competitions. Sara' Effected also a service of assistance and maintenance and asesoramiento external for the attivita' of noleggio and sale of go kart, minikart, mini motorbike, tourisms, prototypes of fuoristrada and vehicles radiocomandati nonche' the realisation and the management of areas of sportive installations for third account; the attivita' of athletic preparation for competitions resupplying areas for the development of the physical resistance and palestre attrezzate; - The noleggio of areas to the covered for attivita' recreational like parties, social meetings, meetings of associations or private clubs. - The attivita' of development and management of areas tematiche for the intrattenimento like bar, restaurants and salt play; - The attivita' of lavaggio inner and external of cars. The societa' potra' besides assume and concede mandates of rappresentanza nonche' concesiones of sale with or without tank of all what of this commercialised or treaty; obtain and explode concesiones, licences, privative and patents of each gender and especially inerenti the attivita' svolta. This potra' besides fulfil all the operations mobiliari and real estates, commercial, industrial and financial ritenute of the soci necessary or simply useful for the achievement of the ; assume interessenze or participations in other societa' od companies aventi analogous object od affine or connected to the own; concede fidejussioni, loan guarantees, consent registrations ipotecarie, also in favour of third, assunte in function of the achievement of the . The financial operations will not have to comunque be svolte in the confrontaciones of the public.
Prodotti e servizi per aziende, privati:
  • Riparazione e manutenzione di automobili e autoveicoli
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