Friscira Fireworks

Friscira Fireworks srl

cda Putrano
74024 - Faggiano (Taranto)
Settore: Forniture per Aziende Tel. 368581805

Vendita online fuochi d'artificio spettacoli pirotecnici professionali COMMERCIO AL DETTAGLIO e ingrosso DI GIOCHI PIRICI E FUOCHI D'ARTIFICIO DI V e IV CATEGORIA. ...continua

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Logo piccolo dell'attività Friscira Fireworks

Friscira Fireworks a Faggiano (Taranto)

cda Putrano
Faggiano, (Taranto) (TA)
74024 Italia
Tel. 368581805
P.IVA 02858480730

Orario lavorativo

Lunedì -
Martedì -
Mercoledì -
Giovedì -
Venerdì -
Sabato -
Domenica -
Friscira Fireworks - Prodotti e Servizi

The company FRISCIRA FIREWORKS (Pirotecnica Jonica) nasce in the 1987 for work of the young employer CAV. Friscira Pierdaniele That has wanted riprendere the activity of the paternal grandfather, abandoned of the children after the dead of the old master soprannominato "Pietro Or Gagga" and recognised in Puglia and in the regions limitrofe like the most expert and qualified pirotecnico of the meridione. Without Of the first shows is subire distinct for the novelties proposed using technologies and equipments more modern, conscio of the delicatezza and dangerousness of the artifizi, selezionando the products in base to his confiabilidad and quality and thanks to the presentation of new and suggestivi effects. Besides, In the last two years the company has extended his scope of action, riconquistando the market of the committees parties patronales now already monopolised of companies napoletane and salernitane and allestendo important  shows in the settentrione ripresi also of the Rai.


The Friscira Fireworks sells fires of artificio online of all the species.

Direct import of games pirici of Chinese production.

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